Do you own your practice that generates at least $30,000 in revenue monthly, and look to add or grow a high value cash service, i.e. a High Ticket Niche?
YES (I have a practice that offers a high value cash service or I want to)
NO (I don't and am leaving now)...
What's your FIRST name?
And your LAST name?
What's the best email to reach you at?
And the best phone number to reach you at for our call?
What type of niche do you currently offer, or what niche would you like to offer?
What is your practice website?
What is your approximate current MONTHLY revenue for your practice (confidential):
Less than $15,000 per month
$15,000 - $30,000 per month
$30,000 - $60,000 per month
$60,000 - $100,000 per month
Greater than $100,000 per month
How many new patients do you get per month (approximately):
Less than 10 new patients per month
10-20 new patients per month
20-30 new patients per month
30+ new patients per month
How urgent/important is it for you to add or grow, a High Ticket Niche in your
practice so you can add significant cash revenue to your practice?
1 being not very urgent/important. 10 being extremely important/urgent.
Are you the sole decision maker in your practice or do you have a partner/spouse/team who is equally responsible for the growth of the practice?
I'm soley responsible
I have a partner/team equally responsible
Can you arrange to have them join the call?
Yes, my business partner will be on the call.
No, they won't be attending.
Do you have financial resources to invest in your practice?
Yes, I have the financial resources to invest in my practice
I don’t have the financial resources, but I know how to acquire them in order to invest in my practice
I don’t have the financial resources, I don’t know how to acquire them, I’m just here for free information
Is there anything else you'd like to tell me about you or your business?